Audio Post Prodution with MaxxBCL

It use for audio mastering, live sound mixing, audio broadcasting etc.

Bypass toggles the compressor on or off.
Opto/Elct the compressor behavior between Opto coupled and Electro modes.
Ratio (1:1 – 1:12) adjust the amount of compression (ratio) for signal above threshold.
Threshold (0 - -60dB) sets the input level above which the soft knee compression starts acting to a significant degree.
Comp-Bass/Bass-Comp switches the order of the MaxxBass and Compressor processors in the chain.
Attack (0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, and 50 ms) controls the compression onset response time in milliseconds.
Attenuation Meter (0 - -12dB) the level of signal attenuation in dB.

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